The Moon Does Not Lie

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In a previous post, I talked about Something Very Dark Out There.  In this post, I will detail the reasons for the existence of that very dark entity, as whispered to us all by the Moon—and as we all know, the moon may wax and wane, but she does not lie.

I am a happy-go-lucky Taobabe.  I go prancing through the seasons, joyful when spring and summer arrive and slightly melancholic when autumn and winter descend upon my reality.  My emotions are fleeting, as are the seasons, because I am aware that they are cyclical and will return upon the completion of the cycle of their movements.  I move with a rhythm all my own, but one that ties with the tides and the winds.  Since the tides are affected by the Moon and the winds are affected by the Sun; it follows then that I dance to the rhythm of the Sun and the Moon.

The Sun and the Moon are but two small cycles within our galaxy.  They dance and twirl with their own individual rhythm, spinning and cavorting with their various partners, bowing and whirling, hurtling through space.  The Moon’s partner is the Earth.  The Earth’s partner is the Sun.  The Sun’s partner is an as-yet-unnamed celestial entity.  The only thing we know for certain is that this entity must also obey the laws of the universe.  This means that as long as we take the laws of the universe into accordance, we will be able to understand and pinpoint the location of the sun’s dance partner.

There are a few things we do know:
1.  The Moon’s speed as it races around the Earth is 1.022 km/sec.[1]
2.  The Earth’s speed as it circles around the Sun is 29.8 km/sec.[2]
3.  The Sun’s speed as it twirls around its partner is 430 km/sec, as susggested by astrophysicist Reg Cahill.[3]

The only speed we have not yet calculated is the Sun’s parther’s speed because we still have not yet identified the Sun’s partner.  This mysterious partner is somewhere in the distance still, but the dance step is taking the partner back to the Sun, as dance steps must.  It won’t be long before we will know for certain what this partner looks like.

To understand the peculiarities of this mysterious Solar partner, we have to look at our own Moon.  The moon is an ancient being with peculiarities of its own.  It shines above us at night, stirring the ebb and flow of the tides that are necessary to renew life cycles.  It dances to the rhythm that the Earth dances to, but since the Earth also dances to the Sun’s rhythm, it also shows the Sun’s rhythm.  In this manner, it acts as a silent witness to an eternal love affair that the sun has with its counterpart.

Being a silent witness however, does not mean it cannot give testimony.  It only means we have to figure out how to read its silent message.  Here is what it has been saying throughout the ages.

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…the Moon does not lie. Its movement is exact and acts like a witness to the Earth’s motion. The only way the Sun can appear to move around the Earth, and be confirmed by lunar data, is because the Earth is spinning on its axis. Likewise, the only way the Earth’s axis can appear to precess or wobble relative to inertial space, and not wobble relative to the Sun as confirmed by lunar data, is if the solar system (the reference frame that contains the Sun and Earth) is curving through space. Furthermore, the only way the solar system can be curving through space at a rate of 50 arc seconds per year, is if it were gravitationally affected by another very large mass: a companion star. ~ Binary Research Institute[3]

To determine the probability of fact however, we need more than one point of reference.  As solid an indicator as the Moon is, we still need more corroborative points of references.  In comes a Serbian geophysicist and astronomer named Milutin Milanković who gave us the Milankovitch Cycles back in 1934 which was detailed in his book Celestial Mechanics[4] as well as a further detailed analysis of the cycles in his paper New Results of the Astronomic Theory of Climate Changes in 1938.[5]

The Milankovitch Cycles have been mathematically determined by studying past global climate changes over millions of years. One of the causes in climate change is precession of the equinoxes, which has a period of approximately 25,772 years, over millions of years.[6]  If we use Milankovitch Cycles and combine it with the binary cycle, we have a consistent match of records.  This means that our global climate change is directly tied to the dance pattern of our Sun and its partner, the heretofore mysterious entity which waltzes in and out of the Sun’s reach once every 22,772 years.

We are still technically within an ice age since we still have ice sheets which cover the north and south poles of our planet, but from all indications, we are rapidly moving out of this ice age and entering an Interglacial Age, that period which falls in between two ice ages.  These cycles go round and round, without fail.  When we take all this into account, we can delve back into the past to ascertain what has occurred and why it occurred.  We can also take this into the future and predict what will happen next.

I love mysteries, don’t you?

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1.  Moon

2.  Earth

3.  Binary Research Institute

4.  Celestial Mechanics.  Milutin Milankovic.  1934.

5.  New Results of the Astronomic Theory of Climate Changes.  Milutin Milankovic.  1938.

6.  Precession of the Equinoxes

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