The Third Eye


I am scared of ghosts and ghouls.

There, I said it.  It shames me to no end that I, the great dame of Babe Taoism would have the most cowardly Tao Babe soul of anyone I know, but I cannot rationalize it away.  Truth is, a Tao Babe should not be scared of spooks and ghosts and spirits.  Tao Babes are supposed to be strong and full of courage.  We should be able to climb tall buildings with a single bound, stop a speeding bullet with our hands, and we should be able to do exorcisms!

What does exorcisms have to do with the third eye?  Read on…

3 thoughts on “The Third Eye

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  1. You are so right that your spirit knows it. Being the source of knowledge it is only the senses of the organism that smells of fear not your true self.


  2. It is not your spirit that is fearfull. Being the source of knowledge it is only the senses of the organism that smells of fear not your true self.


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