I’m a New Soul


Do you feel as if you’re an old soul in a young body?  Do you feel as if you’ve been here before and done all that there is to do, and you’re just waiting for your time to go?

Well, that’s just not me.  I feel as if everything is still waiting for me to try out.  And since everything I attempt is new to me, I seriously suck at most things I try to do.  I still suck at trying to relate to people.  Most endeavors I try to start stay unfinished because I am not sure how to finish them.

Even after all these years of constantly trying new things, I still suck at so many of them that I wonder how I’m ever going to be able to get good at anything at all.  How will I ever learn all that I need to learn before I expire?  I make every possible mistake there is to make in my attempts to improve myself and then I look back and think…why oh why did I do that?

For today, here is a song that I dedicate to my brand new soul.

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