Change: The Change of Nonchange

(continued from Change:  The Three Faces of Change)

angelboySometimes, I swear, I feel as if I’m living in a realm that has been semi-invaded by another realm.

The veils between worlds are so thin now that I can almost catch movements of life forms all around me, fluttering and floating, darting here and there.

This makes it hard to focus on something as mundane, however complex, as detailed passages of the I Ching.  My eyes keep catching sudden, fleeting movements, only to look directly at the source of the movement and find nothing.

These guys are driving me nuts.

It’s amazing that I get anything done, let alone post after post of off-the-wall discussions on all things Taoie.

I’m going to try my best to ignore the various 4th and 5th Densitites* and focus in on the next part of this discussion:  Nonchange.

Nailing down the Non-change:

In the Ta Chuan / The Great Treatise (Hsi Tz’u Chuan), Richard Wilhelm discusses the importance of Nonchange.

Nonchange is the background, as it were, against which change is made possible.  For in regard to any change there must be some fixed point to which the change can be referred; otherwise there can be no definite order and everything is dissolved in chaotic movement.  

This point of reference must be established, and this always requires a choice and a decision.  It makes possible a system of coordinates into which everything else can be fitted.  Theoretically any point of reference is possible, but experience teaches that at the dawn of consciousness one stands already inclosed within definite, prepotent systems of relationships.  

The problem then is to choose one’s point of reference so that it coincides with the point of reference for cosmic events.  For only then can the world created by one’s decision escape being dashed to pieces against prepotent systems of relationships with which it would otherwise come into conflict.  ~  [1]

I wrote about this anchor point-of-reference a few years back, in my post, I Ching Sphere (Part 2):  Zeroes and Ones.  In this post, I detailed where the anchor point-of-reference for us humans would be found.  

Here is an excerpt of the pertinent part of that discussion.

We have to start somewhere, and zero is the perfect starting point…to start any kind of data analysis using a computer, I have to have a starting point. Data analysts call this starting point base lining, which is an accurate measurement of process functionality before any input change occurs.

The baseline is an arbitrary designation, but it is the ONLY arbitrary designation.  Once that designation is in place, all other points will spring forth from that very important first base line and will not be arbitrary.  They will be fixed.

The important question in my mind is—WHERE—would one put such an important designation point?  Since this is such an important designation, even though it is arbitrary, its placement is so important that if it is not placed in the absolutely perfect location, the calculations would be completely off.  When it is that important, I go to the I Ching for the answer, and of course, it has been answered in the support and discussion materials that surround the I Ching.

Chapter 2 of the Shuo Kua states that Heaven and Earth determine the direction.  OK, well, that’s something.  But it still doesn’t tell me whether I should use Heaven or Earth to start changing the direction.

Richard Wilhelm does have some thoughts on this and gives me a few more clues which contribute to this idea: “…at the beginning of the world, as at the beginning of thought, there is the decision, the fixing of the point of reference. … The premise for such a decision is the belief that in the last analysis the world is a system of homogeneous relationships – that it is a cosmos, not a chaos.”   

The two fundamental hexagrams, the Creative and the Receptive are such points of reference; they determine a system of coordinates, ‘into which everything else can be fitted.’   The Ta Chuan states in Chapter 1 that Heaven is high, the earth is low; thus the Creative and the Receptive are determined.   

We now have a high and a low; ergo an up and a down.  

Based upon the directions given, it is safe to say that we can go up indefinitely, but we cannot go down indefinitely, because at some point in the going down, it will shoot out the other side of the Earth and thereafter, it will be going up.  This means that the baseline has to be the center of the Earth.  This is the one point where, no matter which way we move, it will always be up.

This is our starting point.  This is the computer’s 000.

It would seem then, that because we are in the third density, our starting point is at Center of Gaia (Earth): 000.  This absolute cosmic address allows our specific holographic dimensional wavelength to be expressed in its own unique location, thereby allowing us to escape being dashed to pieces against prepotent systems of relationships with which it would otherwise come into conflict. [1]

After all, we have to share this Universe with other Densitites, who happen to have their holographic anchor point-of-reference slightly offset from ours, and I’m not especially keen to have to explain why I have suddenly invaded their happy space with my tainted Earthly presence.


Since this is I Ching science, I would be hard-pressed to find supporting scientific evidence for this, but give me some time and I might surprise you.  The I Ching’s various teachings have been found to have scientific basis, over and over, as we crawl out of our dark and dank well of darkness and ignorance.

In particular, this premise of the anchor point-of-reference is of extreme importance because it is based upon the foundation of Taoism whereby in the last analysis the world is a system of homogeneous relationships–that is is a cosmos, not a chaos.  The ultimate frame of reference for all the changes is the nonchanging. [1]

I guess that’s enough for now about nonchange.  After all, no matter what I say or how much I say, nothing about nonchange is ever going to change, at least not until the Earth changes.  When she does, our fixed anchor point within her absolute center will have shifted, and we will all move with her to a different density.

I promise.  If Earth changes, I’ll come back to this Nonchange post then and talk more about the new anchor point (assuming I still have access to my computer and still have enough fingers to peck out the words).

In the next post, I will talk about cyclic change.

(to be continued)

[1]  Ta Chuan / The Great Treatise

* Densitites is my new word to describe these entities, of various other densities.



37 thoughts on “Change: The Change of Nonchange

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  1. taobabe,

    Thank you for taking the time and exerting the effort to write this, right now.

    This is not the first time I have happened upon one of your posts at the exact time I was already visualizing the post’s content, as if attracted to it somehow, but it IS the first time you have probably been writing it the same time I was thinking about/visualizing it.

    Sudokodo is a study of metaphysics using analog and digital electronics, physics, mechanics and I Ching examples to relate to Taoist/metaphysical concepts.

    I have rotated and flipped the taiiitu symbol so that the “S” shaped division between the yin and yang halves is forming the S in Sudokodo… but it is also plotting a changing sinusoidal voltage providing the input to a device called a comparator, or single bit analog to digital converter, sampling the S-curve and converting it to a 1 or a 0 at the ‘tripping points’ (as a tradenark for Sudokodo).
    A comparator needs one other input, or non-changing reference, to function correctly. For the last 3 days I’ve been struggling with how to represent that reference point, which is when you post this blog entry.
    As usual, thanks for helping with the ‘grounding’ process :!



  2. Yay!!! I’m glad it’s helping you. I’m really happy it’s useful to somebody. I usually post articles out maybe once a week, but lately, it seems as if I feel some sort of external push to get out as much information as I can. It almost feels as if I’m racing to beat some sort of a deadline, and I need to get this information out as quickly as I can. I don’t know how to explain it.

    So you are a Taoist physicist? What exactly does your comparator do?


  3. More an electronics engineer with a strong connection to the Taoist ‘way’ of perceiving the Universe. Really interested in electronic music synthesis, sensor design, blending those fields to produce unusual interactive instruments in a way that extends a musician’s sensory repertoire and modes of musical expression.

    The voltage comparator is the first, very simple analog voltage sense device…singly it’s a sensitive threshold detector, add a resistor (positive feedback) and it responds with a stable binary trip point, add a capacitor and it oscillates or functions as a stable frequency ‘clock’ or becomes a filtering amplifier. Using other components and LEDs or loudspeakers it can select or generate digital data (pseudo-random noise generator, percussive sound, wind, thunder, ocean waves) or the bits of data that describe each I Ching hex, MIDI note code, Braille or Morse code.
    I’m crediting the I Ching as being the most ancient example of a digital computer and the forebearer of all binary systems that are able to actually forecast future events.

    But, the graphic of the comparator sensing the taijitu’s sunusoidal signal and divining whether it is yin or yang creates a beautiful visual metaphor for the Tao of Physics 🙂


  4. So are you using the comparator in place of the three coins for divinatory purposes? How are you getting the comparator to forecast future events? I know these are huge questions, but it is very interesting that you are using a machine to probe into a ‘machine’

    …I guess we could call the I Ching a type of application for the purpose of divination. 😀 All the religious Taoists are gonna crucify me.


  5. After looking at World News pretty closely for the last 2 years, it does look like we’re coming up on some type of deadline…your hopeful and encouragiing messages helps me maintain my optimism 🙂


  6. The comparator is used as an oscillator or “clock” to toggle another circuit through a sequence of sixty-four apparently random yin/yang bits (32 of each. It was a very difficult to find sequence. Taken 6 bits at a time, you get all 64 hexes every complete cycle of 64 clock pulses. Choosing when to stop the clock is very random, like throwing a set of coins…when it finally stops you get one hex. ‘Throwing’ another set of clock cycles will select another, or sometimes the same, hex.


  7. For divinations, I use sixty-four black&white beads on a loop…has the same apparently random sequence of 64 beads. To consult, I randomly stop rotating the loop in my hands (like a rosary?) and look up the 6 beads closest to my forefinger to get the hex…then again for the moving hex…again, sometimes I get the exact same hex. Not the same probability as yarrow stalks though:). This way is great for meditating…can easily do it while I walk and doesn’t need electronics. Looked and searched around, couldn’t find anyone else who has that system, but it must exist somewhere I believe 🙂


  8. Yes, we definitely could and probably SHOULD call the I Ching the ORIGINAL Application of divination! To write any modern-day app a person needs to describe all the stuff the app needs to do in recipe form, often called ‘pseudocode’. The ancient ways of consulting the I Ching all have their own recipes that include Ingredients (ox bones, turtle plastrons or carapaces, bronze rods or stylii, ways of heating them to make cracks etc., and if i ever wrote a Sudokodo App in Python for the yijing I would definitely need to formulate a pseudocode descriptiom before writing the code. After the electronics course gets established I can imagine taking it to the next level so a student writes code instead of designing hardware, but that should probably left until the end,

    I can’t imagine any Taoists being upset with you, you’ve really brought I Ching divination out of the dark ages an into modern times, especially along interpretive lines…even the Yijing should embrace Change!!!


  9. Could you write up a comparative description on the I Ching App and a modern-day computer application? Then, if you don’t mind, I can post your article in my blog at the same time you post yours. You will, of course, get full credit for the article. 🙂


  10. I could do that, but one of your readers actually wrote an Android wearable I Ching app…I’m sure he would have written a func spec for it that he would enjoy transliterating into a pseudocode version that bridges the original divination recipe to the modern app. As a matter of fact, it might be a good idea to both 😕


  11. We’re talking about bringing the I Ching into the 21st century. What is more modern than comparing the ancient I Ching application of thousands of years ago to one that has been written for a modern device?


  12. I completely agree. AaMF Sudokodo will reach all the way back to the trigrams and hexagram sequences developed before Zhou times to interweave the earliest examples of binary/digital bits, nybbles, words used to index into ancient databases, and Taoist metaphysical observations to evolve into modern day forecasting algorithms that actually fulfill the Yijing’s original purpose…through gradually changing an evolving over the millennia it somehow knew that binary encoding of the archetypes found in the ancient metaphors could eventually be used to ptredict such mundane outcomes as the Kentucky Derby…obviously not a ‘new age’ type of forecast!


  13. taobabe,

    You wrote:

    ‘…We’re talking about bringing the I Ching into the 21st century. What is more modern than comparing the ancient I Ching application of thousands of years ago to one that has been written for a modern device?…’

    I wasn’t going to answer that question. I was just going to let it slide, but just like you, I never seem to be able to figure out when to leave ‘well enough’ alone.

    They say, ‘whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.’

    After re-reading this post I know I SHOULD be asking that question of YOU! Why am I not?

    Best answer I can come up with is ‘takes one to know one’.

    I’ve never heard or read of ANY I Ching psychonaut, cosmospolitan, Taoist, etc. etc.. put forth the idea that there was a a hidden ‘zero point’ Yijing practitioners needed to to know about…am I correct in assuming that idea could only energize in your mysterious beautiful head?

    Well, first things first.
    Many places I have worked have mentioned that I have a sense of humor, though I haven’t demonstrated that here so far. I can read between the lines enough to realize yours is highly developed too…which I find extremely attractive, especially in beautiful women.

    Have you seen Bill Murray’s “What about Bob:? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it! In the movie he drives his psychiatrist (Richard Dreyfuss) CRAZY little by little, by commiting trivial acts of neuroticism, which a shrink should be able to handle with his eyes closed. Truly ironic and hilarious.

    I’m going to connect this to something serious so bear with me.
    There is another movie on Netflix named ‘Rock the Kasbah’, also starring Bill Murray. This time he is the professional…a music talent scout/agent who has just taken on the job of creating a star out of an Iranian woman. To do his job he must suspend disbelief about any inadequacy a new client may have, or he won’t make any money.

    Long story short, Ghostbusters, talent scouts, and Yijing diviners find themselves in a quandary if they suddenly disbelieve in ghosts, the talent of a musician, or the psychic universe.

    So here goes…
    To bring the Yijing into the 21st century, I am already helping in a small way by teaching people how to use the 64 bit Yijing necklace I designed, You are doing the same through this blog and all the relevant observations, connections and truths you discover and publish on this blog.

    However, after working with the 64 bit necklace and having spent my life since 1987 working in IT, I have discovered something pretty amazing.

    I believe that the I Ching may have lost some bits along the way!
    I believe that the hexagrams had more than six lines in the past, or will have in the future.

    Here are some very interesting facts:

    Bits usually come 1, 2, 4, 8 and more bits at a time…not usually in groups of 6.

    The Chinese place lots of importance on the number 8.

    When extra bits are used, they perform ‘carry’ and two’s complement notation functions, to be allow expression of negative numbers (relevant to your Gaia 0 observation):

    (to be continued)



  14. Allan,

    Re: “I’ve never heard or read of ANY I Ching psychonaut, cosmospolitan, Taoist, etc. etc.. put forth the idea that there was a hidden ‘zero point’ Yijing practitioners needed to to know about…am I correct in assuming that idea could only energize in your mysterious beautiful head?”

    I’m going to publicly admit something that I feel quite a bit of embarrassment about. The first time I even heard about Taoism was when I ran across a book at B&N called The Tao of Pooh, back in 2002. I picked up the book, read the back cover excerpt, and thought to myself, “Whoa! it would be so cool to tell people that I was a Taoist, as opposed to being a boring old atheist. It has a sweet, cool, sophisticated ring to it, and you know me. I’m all about cool and sophisticated.” (…I also liked Pooh, but that doesn’t have anything to do with this.)

    However, to tell people that I was a Taoist meant I had to know at least a rudimentary sliver of something about the philosophy. Since I knew zero/diddly-squat/bupkus about Taoism, I bought a bunch of Taoism books and began to study it.

    It was really, really, really hard. 😦

    In order for me to understand it, I had to do comparative studies–in other words, compare it to knowledge I either already had, or could pick up just by learning more about some extant subject (mostly science and/or math of some kind). I also did something that I learned from some source (can’t remember where I read it) where I ask a question that I am stuck with before I go to bed, and then someone in my dream would answer it with some strange visions which I had to figure out when I woke up. Between these two methods, I picked up pieces here and there, of Taoism.

    At first, I was getting all these scattered pieces of information that didn’t make sense. But the more I dug, the more pieces I got, and after a couple of years of intense research (and I’m not kidding when I say INTENSE), I was able to piece together enough of the scattered points to see a more complete picture. These pictures and half-formed ideas, I wrote into a blog and threw them up onto my website so I could keep track of them all.

    I never expected anyone to really read them because the subject matter is not something that most folks would be interested in, but once in awhile, I’d get someone interested in what I wrote about. It was really great for me because it meant that I was somewhere in the ballpark of true Taoism, and not lost in the duckweeds that had nothing to do with Taoism because I got distracted and went exploring in areas that were irrelevant. It’s painfully obvious, I know, but I get distracted a lot… :\

    Truth is, I’m a complete impersonator. I masquerade as a Taoist because I love the Taoist principles and wisdom, but in truth, I’ve never been inside a Taoist temple and experienced a Taoist temple service other than the one time I went to meet up with my spiritual brother Derek Lin (but I only got to see the outside of the temple and one of the side rooms). I never got any formal training or teaching by a real Taoist Master, so I’m not surprised that something I put forth has no merit and no placement in Taoist teachings. I am completely unschooled.

    I’m truly sorry if I inappropriately over-reached at something and went out on a phantom limb. My only defense is ignorance.



  15. (continued)
    Wow taobabe…thanks…I really appreciate your revealing honestly ‘credentials’ whether you think they are or are not qualifying.

    I am equally ‘unqualified’, to be on whatever part of the ‘journey’ I happen to find myself immersed in at the moment, and am equally pushed (helplessly?) this way and that by the overpowering Brownian motion of whatever appears to be mystically fascinating in this universe. It all seems so motivating and impossible to resist…intoxicating is a totally appropriate word.
    Isn’t it a wonderful bit of synchronicity that those are the only credentials needed to be a Taoist mistress or master 😕

    Someone once said that ‘in order to be interesting, you only need to be interested’…your and my only fault is possibly having a very uncharacteristic taoist imbalance…we apparently were born with an almost infinite amount of ‘Interest’.
    Is there a hexagram that could be pressed into service as symbolizing this quantity? Which brings us back to my (continued) subject…

    Historically some say the I Ching started with the baqua and began with only eight metaphors or ‘memes’. Then, a ‘real’ person went to prison and during his confinement took that combination of eight metaphors of existence, stacked them up and personally ‘created’ the sixty-four that were passed down to us as the I Ching. Some historians claim sixty-four was the starting number that was simplified into eight.

    By chance alone, during the 60s (I am presently 65 years old), after falling in love with electronic hardware that could only be found easily at that time on the J-hooks of RadioShack I discovered the Tarot.
    After a scary occurence with it, I heard about the I Ching, just naturally found its lineage and simple graphical design appealing (Wilhelm version) and in an OCD kinda Way began immersing in it.

    This was BEFORE the time of inexpensively available digital logic integrated circuits. IC amplifiers were around 17$,, slide rules were the most affordable, sophisticated computing devices, I had no idea what a digital logic gate was.

    So the I Ching was actually my first contact with digital ANYTHING. Little did I know this ‘first contact’ would ‘change’ my life and provide an organizational framework for just about everything subsequent in my life…it just totally made sense visually, organizationally, and from a story-telling viewpoint seemed to be totally exotic (which may have been an epigenetic appeal!).

    Pan forward to now, and I have quite a bit of digital, analog, IT steeped test experience, having learned how to test hardware and software as those fields were actually developing, not in a school anywhere.

    I had a brilliant, successful uncle who was a policeman in addition to being a real estate tycoon who apparently inculcated in me whatever ‘common sense’ I may have have evolved in life, together with my epigenetic troubleshooting genes.
    Software qa is kinda like being a software cop… ‘Apple’ doesn’t roll far from the tree, neh 😕

    (to be continued)



  16. tababe,

    You wrote:
    ‘…so I’m not surprised that something I put forth has no merit and no placement in Taoist teachings…’

    Please note that these are your words, and I might add unnecessarily harsh 🙂
    I observed that I had never run across the ‘zero-point’ I Ching reference in any specifically Taoist work consulted, which is NOT the same as saying ‘…no merit and no placement…’. The observation was meant to place an arrow pointing towards you as having somehow realized the connection between ‘zero point’ and taoism…and I completely agree that a ‘zero point field’ reference (Lynne McTaggert et. al.) belongs also in a Taoist coverage, though your placement at the center of our Earth would have never occurred to me.

    BTW, if I made a sixty-four bead I Ching necklace/mala set of transparent blue and solid blue acrylic, would you be comfortable accepting it?
    I’d feel honored if you tried them out as an alternate method of Yijing hex selection…plus any pros and cons about them you may offer!

    If so, I have no idea of where to send it…?

    Allan C.


  17. A P.O. box if you have one would be fine…I promise not to publicize it if it arrives privately (in an email or otherwisel).



  18. Oh, one more thing.
    I love the expression,”don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater”, which I see as a far too common human activity.

    Humans are great ‘pattern recognizers’, and we are pretty lazy (who goes around TRYING to find a more energy, work intensive way to do things just to make it more difficult?)…well, there are those kinds of people, but we’ll skip over them if possible because ‘common’ sense (not very common:).

    With all those patterns we’re recognizing, we group them in order to keep track…something good happens to a group and we embrace it. Something bad happens we associate bad with it. Which is all well and good, until certain people begin manipulating the news and suddenly cause us to treat all those who follow Islam as evil terrorist types, all those who follow Buddhist thought to be automatically worth, etc.

    A long time ago I took a course in Scientology about Communication. And I learned about something called the ’emotional tone scale’. Since then I have found the concepts contained within are accurate, useable, dependable human rules equivalent in truth to the law of gravity.
    Because of the PEOPLE who disseminate Scientology I am no longer connected to the ‘organization’ but I actively apply the knowledge in daily life…keeping the baby and disposing of the bathwater. Lots of what was discovered in Scientology has roots in Taoism, but how it was applied by the org is where it runs into trouble. You also find paired, dualistic concepts like Theta (life force) and entheta (a force which actively attempts to terminate life.
    So here we are, using our own common sense to decide for ourselves which teachings work, what’s ethical, how to live our short time here in the most constructive way.

    Glad to have bumped into you ma’m, you are a very unusual woman.



  19. Thank you for your kind words Allan.

    I don’t want to step on traditional Taoist Toes, so I state emphatically that I am not classically trained in Taoism. Anything I write about comes from my own observations, borrowed and improved upon from various sources, then amalgamated and coagulated to synthesize the Taoist knowledge that I currently hold (and still actively shaping).

    If there is one thing that I am not afraid of, and that is taboo subjects. Scientists don’t go into that other realm, of ghosts and demons and weird, dark magiks to understand and explain their world; likewise, Priests and Monks don’t go into the science and mathematics to justify their faith. But I do because I must, in order to grasp in some fundamental way, the science of the I Ching, which is far beyond that which is still to be proven by scientific methods alone. In essence, I am too ignorant in hard core mathematics to be a scientist, and too fashionably chic to be a monk. Having said that…

    I wanted to clarify something in regards to the Earth being the center of the 000. In the Ta Chuan wing, it’s stated that the placement is arbitrary.

    What makes this plotting system so great is that even though we have fixed it into the center of the Earth, it does not mean it’s completely fixed. If we were to land on another planet and needed to use the I Ching for consultation of any sort, we simply use the center of whatever planet we happen to land on as 000 and from that vantage point, all other designations in the space between that starting point and Heaven will be able to be plotted. It would be understood that the term ‘Earth’ or ‘Receptive’ would be a designation for any terra firma that we happen to find ourselves on.

    The I Ching shows this flexibility in the Ta Chuan, Chapter 7.2: “Heaven and Earth determine the scene, and the changes take effect within it.”

    Chapter 4.4 in the same book states: “the spirit is bound to no one place, nor the Book of Changes to any one form.”

    Regarding the I Ching necklace. Thank you for your offer. It would be my pleasure to accept. 🙂



  20. Superb.
    A long time ago I found your site while doing a search on “bracelet I Ching” and the engine turned up your post about the 48,000 y/o bracelet.
    It will be great knowing that you possess a necklace/bracelet that was actually designed for the sole purpose of representing the bits of the I Ching (6 x 64=384) in a way that is fitting for the 21st century. I can’t think of anyone more entitled to wear such a piece of jewelry 🙂
    Reading your posts over the years has made it possible to maintain certainty that this was a worthwhile project 🙂

    Thanks taobabe!



  21. taobabe,

    I have a serious question (that you needn’t actually answer just yet).
    Would you already be working on your own taobabe flavor of the I Ching?
    If you are, here is an interesting proposal for you (wow, haven’t even had a first date yet and is proposing already 🙂 !

    I created this sixty-four bead mala set, and though the original is just really inexpensive black and white OTS (off the shelf) acrylic mass produced beads, it would be possible to ‘coin’ (heh heh, I like that) a set of two types (yin/yang) beads specific to an I Ching authoress’ (you) adaptation (If you haven’t got it half done already :).
    The mold for each bead could be easily copyrighted, the mala could become a boxed set with the (self published?) book. After I send you your blue set, as you try it out, imagine how you would do an adaptation that would have the taobabe brand inherent througout.
    Seems like suddenly there is a quickly growing list of Yijing adaptations out there, all competing with each other in specious ways with nothing to really differentiate them to a novice.

    As an example, I am a software/hardware test engineer. I happen to know that amongst engineering types ‘Murphy’s Law’ is a pretty popular concept. So, I am gradually accumulating Murphy’s Law type quotations and trying to loosely pair them up with Yijing hexes. One example, for the Receptive, is: ‘If you see light at the end of the tunnel, make sure it’s not the locomotive’. Kind-of a set of ‘misfortune beads’ inspired by Chinese fortune cookies (NOT). And, if you are a rocket engineer, while you are waiting for that countdown to finish for the next billion dollar space telescope, you can use them for plain old garden variety worry beads while your stress level escalates for a Challenger style post launch catastrophe, while having something to throw in the air in celebration when everything goes successfully because you WORRIED so much during the design phase!

    See what I mean about my sense of humor?

    Hope this give you some exciting ideas. I suspect you will have a much bigger following soon than you have right now, and I bet your readership would want their own autographed set of ‘taobabeads’ and a reference for how to do all things Towie :!

    For starters, why don’t you find a suitable hex for ‘avoiding distraction’ the taobabe way, then you’ll only have 63 hexes to go!

    62 sets of taobabeads on the wall, 62 sets of beads…
    You take one down and pass it around, 61 sets of beads on the wall!!!



  22. Just woke up with a really interesting realization.
    The ‘earlier heaven’ sequence of hexagrams is the one that made Leibnitz lose sleep because it made him realize binary counting was known about in Asia 5,0000 years ago.

    The only problem is it counts in binary upside down, starting at 000000 and increment up to 111111 from the top down (000000 -> 100000 etc) instead of the other way around.

    You may have led the way to an explanation.

    In electronics it is common to establish a voltage reference point in mid-supply. This reference is called ‘ground’.

    In an amplifier, when no signal is applied to the input the output rests at this ground state. Apply a sine wave to the input and the output goes positive, then negative each halfcycle of it’s oscillation.

    You actually have an animation of this in another post, the one about spending half your time in one dimension, then the other half in the other dimension, ‘snapping’ bacck and forth.

    IF the zero point is at the center of the Earth, this could imply the sine wave goes from from 000000 to 111111 on its positive excursion in THIS universe, and 000000 to 111111 in the alternate universe half but ‘incrementing’ in the opposit direction starting at 000000:

    111111 and so on. IIRC, this is Two’s Complement notation for time spent in the other dimension, then when in this dimension 0-63 again…but this would imply a 7th bit at the beginning…set to 0 when in the other (this) dimension (the – excursion), and set to 1 in the + ‘real’ excursion going up and down through 0-63 before returning to the ‘unreal’ direction.
    Peak to trough it woulld be a total of 128, half in this dimension, half in the other dimension.

    Well, that’s enough OCD binary counting for a full one of my days…

    If this is all true, it woulld mean FuXi was doing analog to digital conversions way back when…



  23. taobabe,

    Have been ‘trying on’ the ramifications and playing ‘what if’ using thought experiments for the last 24 hours, based on your statement that 000 being positioned at the center of the Earth, or any other planet(oid) you may be doing a divination aboard in the future.

    Something about 000000 being at Earth’s core and your animmated graphic of a sinewave oscillating THROUGH the barrier between two universes has bben really resonating in my brain.

    Black holes have an exterior outside the event horizon where real stuff happens, but on the other side of the event horizon some think there is another universe.

    Which for some reason, together with your positioning of the 0 pont at the core of the Earth, made me think of…what if a black hole existed at the center of the Earth, which initially sounded absurd…so I searched…you won’t believe what I found:::


  24. chintokkong,

    I was discussing the idea of the different types of Changes found within chapter 1 of the Ta Chuan, The Great Treatise, regarding the underlying principle of Changes in the Universe and in the Book of Changes (aka I Ching).

    The Ta Chuan can be found within Richard Wilhelm’s translation of the I Ching.



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